Allez! (yep, with the exclamation mark.) was purhased on March 10th 2010. Her previous name was "Alacrity" and before that, "Wind Quest". She is a 1974 Santana 25 Mk I, an early design of naval architect Shad Turner. W.D. Schock built 160 of these boats in the early 70's as an offshore racing boat in the 1/4 ton class. This boat was designed to go very fast downwind on the ocean - she carries a very small mainsail and a 170 percent genoa. There is no standing headroom, no enclosed head, no shower, no stove and no generator.
Allez! was left abanoned by her previous owner at Eldean Shipyard in Holland, Mi. The total purchase cost was just over 1200 dollars, including Michigan registration for 3 years. Although all bulkheads and structural elements were sound, there is/was a myriad of issues to deal with before she can go in the water.
Open issues:
Paint - waiting for warmer temps to do this - the color scheme will be white with 3 bottom stripes
Rear Cleats - more or less waiting to be installed - I need to recruit somebody with smaller arms to hold the backing nuts though.
Outboard motor mount - currently being fabricated by my ever helpful Father in Minneapolis
Outboard motor - needs to be picked up in New Haven Conneticut
Mainsail Slugs
Various Minutae, including cleaning and organizing
Finished issues:
Prep for paint - the biggest headache so far - many thanks to my Father for doing the lions share of the sanding
Portlight blocking plate
rudder refinish
sorting rigging
front cleat repair
front stantion repair
bilge pump install
front nav light install
fm radio removal
The current timeline has Allez! being launched around May 10th - 15th.